My wife, Cathy, and I live year-round in Herbster; a love of the natural, peaceful surroundings keeps us here. Early experiences in my life included farming and the Navy, which exposed me to many cultures and foreign countries. Later, sawmilling and logging filled my working time in Herbster. Now retired, beekeeping takes much of my time as I maintain 25 to 30 colonies. I enjoy gardening in my vegetable garden, and in my “big garden” which is comprised of 140 acres of surrounding woodland that I intensely manage. I was honored to be the 2017 Wisconsin Tree Farmer of the Year in recognition of my work and success in forest management and conservation. I spend most of my woodworking time turning and finishing bowls for decorative and functional use. During my logging operations, I look for “character” wood to bring into my shop for future use. Some of the wood is obtained from blown-down or dead trees. Many years in sawmill work and logging helped me to “see what’s inside” the workpiece. After being selected, the piece is turned and finished to expose the beauty within. Cathy and I also have our honey and beeswax candles available for year-round purchase at our home in Herbster.